
Showing posts from June, 2017

Summary of the novel Rich Dad Poor Dad authored by Robert T.Kiyosaki(Part 1 of 3)

Here's what I learnt from the novel. P.S - These are solely my views and plagiarism isn't done from the net ( except for the pic :P ) as source for the below. The 2 important causes of financial struggle of a person are fear and ignorance . What history repeatedly tells is that great civilizations collapse when the gap between the haves and have-nots is too great. Schools everywhere focus only on teaching people to work for money,not how to harness money's power.This is important as for majority of the people,unfortunately school is the end for them - not a beginning in their lives. Work to learn but do not solely work for money.As you will see that in order to make the taxes regimen work for you,an average person needs at least 5 years of learning in that field. People need to realize that Education(practical,not entirely theoretical) will always be their greatest wealth. It's not how much money you make,it's how much you keep" - my personal favor

When life changes all of a sudden!

I am back at my house now.I feel a lot weird.May be the reason is I changed from what I was before or the things that are changing around me. It was a month ago I visited my home when everything was running smoothly but now I feel everything going miserably wrong. I enter my room : it has not changed but my granny is, I went to my hall,it did not change but the atmosphere did change. I am now facing something that tells me that I have changed a lot. I had dinner just now and I feel like there is something missing,is it the friends ? No... it's not about them. Then what is that ? I go to bed but I am not interested in sleep as the mood is changed. I feel a lot weird  due to thinking  of  how my family has changed. I never saw my parents at this level of difficulty to get along.I don't know what this feeling is but I am afraid of me being away from home . It's around midnight now.Mom is now saying that the mistake is of dad and fight started due to him and no one h
GSLV -MK III  D1 IS SUCCESSFULLY  SET IN TO ORBIT                                                                   WHOLE NATION BOW DOWN TO ISRO                                   30YRS EFFORT Facts about GSLV-MK III D1 rocket: - This is India's first fully functional rocket to be tested with a cryogenic engine that uses liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. - GSLV-MK III D1 rocket weighs equal to five fully loaded jumbo jets. - The rocket is designed to carry heavier communication satellites. - This is the heaviest rocket India has developed so far. • The rocket, weighing 640 tonnes and standing 43.43 metres tall, blasted off from the second launch pad at India’s rocket port at Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh at 5:28pm. It carried a 3,136-kg GSAT-19 communications satellite – the heaviest to be lifted by an Indian rocket till date – to an altitude of around 179km above the Earth after just over 16 minutes into the flight.


                                                                                                                            "TRUMP ONCE AGAIN MADE THE SENSATION" - U.S QUITS FROM THE PARIS TREATY(2015)                                                                                                                                                 THE SENSATION!    THE FASCINATION!  THIS IS TRUMPISM       THE WORLD LEADERS EXAGGERATES  ON  EXACTOR   MR.DONALD TRUMP. P resident  Donald Trump today withdrew the Paris Climate treaty (2015).Trump acclaimed that it is for the benefits of U.S citizens.  ---------- “I was elected to president to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh ,not Paris”-TRUMP                                                          TRUMP’S VIEW è  I promised I would exit or renegotiate any deal which fails to serve American’s interest in my election campaign and I keep my promise even in the case of Paris Climate treaty. è