Game of Thrones Predictions

Game of Thrones(What the fans might expect in the upcoming season, i.e., S07)

-Manoj Sandoori

Traditionally the fantasy drama series(Numero Uno in terms of no. of viewers across the globe)- Game of Thrones(GoT) airs in the 2nd week of April.But in the series,"winter" has finally arrived during S06E10.So,for the filming of the show,the makers delayed their traditional schedule as S07 & S08 (last 2 seasons of the show) are mainly focusing  on "The Wall" and the North in particular.
       Here are the main *spoilers* for all the fans out there :
1)  The Wall will be broken by the White walkers and his army.

2)   Before the above event,Daenerys(The stormborn,Mother of the Dragons,Breaker of the Chains,the Khaleesi,Mhyssa etc etc)-
               will arrive at the Westeros and immediately wage a war on King's Landing to take what's hers'-The Iron Throne
       The Lannister army will be doomed even though they have the "Mountain".
3)   Jon Snow will get to know of his original parents from Brandon Stark
4)   Samwell Tarly will get to know how to defeat the White walkers on a large scale from the Citadel
5)    Union of Targayeans : Daenerys & Jon will happen and the king in the North will convince his aunt to help him fight the war together b/w the living(Normal beings) and the Dead(White Walkers).
6)    The show(7th season) premiers on 16/07/2017 on HBO
7)    Actor Jim Broadbent who is famous for his role as Professor Slughorn in the Harry Potter series is a new addition to the cast for this season. 
He is going to reprise the role of Arch Maester Marwyn,whom Samwell Tarley is gonna meet in the citadel.He quoted to a news agency that "I am involved in an important role in this show for this season.I will be in action for the 5 of the 7 episodes".
8)   There is a small probability that Sir Jaime Lannister who is generally referred to as "King Slayer" in the show is also going to gain the title of "Queen Slayer" by stabbing the present Queen of the Iron Throne,Cersei.
9)  Jon Snow may be considered as a safe character in the show from now on as he came back to life in the last season.


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