-Kiran Gaur

                 “If I fail, I try again, and again, and again. If you fail, are you going to try again? The human spirit can handle much worse than we realize. It matters how you are going to finish. Are you going to finish strong? ”quoted by Nick Vujicic- founder, president and CEO of ‘Life without limbs’, an international motivational speaker, author, musician, actor and with hobbies including painting, swimming and fishing. A person with these qualities may be common but what makes it different and fascinating is a person with no arms and legs possessing them.

                 Even when the thought of being disabled brings goosebumps to us, then what would be the state of mind of those people who go through it, who know the pain, who see the suffering and who live with it each and every day, each and every minute and each and every moment of their life. But the reality is that what we fear and think as a weakness, is the same thing that strengthens them. Hope, determination, belief, the faith in god are not just words but the life boosters of their life.

                  Nicholas James Vujicic is an Australian Christian evangelist and motivational speaker born with tetra-Amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of arms and legs. When Nick began his study at school, he always tried to live like other kids, though at first he had to face refusals and mockeries from them. Unlimited love and prayers from his parents made Nick strong and then he could pass hard times. Slowly, his friends accepted Nick the way he was.

                   But his child’s mind asked about the truth of that theory. He realized that among all of his friends, he looked so weird, and he was frustrated. He felt that he was unworthy, and he would always be a trouble for people around him. He fell into a deep depression and finally, he believed that the best solution was to leave this world as soon as he could. Nick wanted to end his suffering and die young.

                    Suddenly, a unique talent appeared from Nick, a gift from God that had never been realized by his family and Nick himself before. His attitude, behaviour, and his words could easily influence people, turn on the spirit, and rise people’s self-confidence. Realizing a very wonderful gift God gave him, Nick joined a study in the United States to be a “motivational speaker.” He finished it fast with an outstanding result. Because of emotional struggles that he had been through related to discrimination cases, loneliness, refusals from friends, which almost destroyed his image about himself and caused his loss of his self-respect, God planted in his heart a desire to help and bless other people who are struggling to love themselves.

                    Beside giving services and preaching in churches, he also reaches the youth generation in elementary schools, junior and senior high schools all over Australia as a guest speaker to build self-confidence in his listeners. His services in schools successfully decrease suicide cases that frequently happened among the youth in Australia. Nick often will be asked by big factories to be a guest speaker in order to increase their production levels and build employee self-confidence.

                     Nick Vujicic taught us that faith in action transforms our life. Don’t let circumstances prevent you from living intentionally and do not take things for granted. Having faith in ourselves, believing even in the last hope and looking at every aspect of our life with a positive attitude, no matter what may be the situation, what we need is to survive. Last...but not the least, our ultimate motto is to not just survive but taste success in our life, 


  1. Add this line-"When he tried to commit suicide by jumping into a lake,he feared death and made an attempt to swim...
    That's how he learned swimming and his perspective of life changed from then on"


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