Positivity to the rescue

What is life cycle according to you???
According to me it is, birth-childhood-schooling-degree-achieving the goal-enjoying the life.
But, people addicted to fast forward culture are willingly getting down from this life cycle by ending their life at some point. I guess you understand what I said. Yes, what you thought was right. It is by Committing Suicides.

Now a days, you cannot see a newspaper without a suicide news. Even you faced a situation where one of your friends committed suicides for very small reasons.
Most common reasons for committing suicides are..
  1. Loosing Loved One.
  2. Financial Crisis.
  3. Lack of humanitarian Support.
  4. Education etc.

The four letter word LOVE is the most common reason for suicides. Many of the teenagers are losing their life just because of not accepting love, love breakups, relational affairs etc.
People without  proper planning  and without  proper value education are leading to commit suicides.
We the hope of future generation should educate the value of life to the people and  tell the importance of life to others.

“if not in march then September, If not Geetha then Sangeetha,
If not you then  no-one else”                

“ If you think it is a problem then definitely it is a problem,
   If you think it is a solution then the same problem will serve as solution”.

Never  stop the life in middle, You may not be benefited  by  yourself  but you are useful to this society a lot.

Say NO to suicide !!!
                                                                                                                                -RC(The Common Man)



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