When life changes all of a sudden!

I am back at my house now.I feel a lot weird.May be the reason is I changed from what I was before or the things that are changing around me.

It was a month ago I visited my home when everything was running smoothly but now I feel everything going miserably wrong. I enter my room : it has not changed but my granny is, I went to my hall,it did not change but the atmosphere did change. I am now facing something that tells me that I have changed a lot.

I had dinner just now and I feel like there is something missing,is it the friends ? No... it's not about them. Then what is that ? I go to bed but I am not interested in sleep as the mood is changed.

I feel a lot weird due to thinking of how my family has changed.

I never saw my parents at this level of difficulty to get along.I don't know what this feeling is but I am afraid of me being away from home.

It's around midnight now.Mom is now saying that the mistake is of dad and fight started due to him and no one had food that night. After this long discussion I slept on mom's legs and when I got up, I found something. I found what matters the most in life!

When people said that love is an emotion that binds people and due to which a relation holds on ,I never believed but what I saw the next morning made me believe that.

I saw my mom and dad normal like before and everything is fine but what I learnt is more important that families tend to break only if a force is absent between them and that force or adhesive is "LOVE AND CARE BETWEEN THEM".

Signing off ,


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