
Showing posts from March, 2017


    Hyderabad the best among the Indian Cities                                                                         RAGHAVA Mercer, the world’s largest human resource consulting firm Headquarted Newyork has announced the latest survey and ranking on quality of living index in which our Hyderabad ranked 144th spot in the world. T he survey has just deduced the fact that most Indian cities are below the international standards in terms of quality of living at the level of people’s satisfaction. The survey says that Indian cities are progressively doing well but when it comes to global index it is relatively low. Though, Hydreabad ranks top in India it slips from 139 to 144.The other Indian cities are also ranked low such as Delhi in 161,Mumbai 154,Pune 145,Bengaluru 146,Kolkata 149.     “Mercer’s index is the most important factor helping companies to decide on compensation for expat employees, but now it has also become the biggest factor to the people across the world in

Wildest thought : Reason why Kattappa killed Amarendhra Baahubali!

Those who follow GoT : Sir Jaime backstabs his king Aerys.For the same reason,Kattappa had done so is my bet! Coming into the specifics : During Robert’s great rebellion,the Mad King(Aerys Targaryean) when he sensed defeat ordered his King’s Guard Sir Jaime to let loose the wild fire reserves they had in the undergrounds of the King’s Landing{ The Mad king wasn’t caring about the lives of the people at that time.Only thing which mattered to him was to not let his enemies take back the Iron throne from him }. He told Jaime -To burn them(enemies)all!!! The wild fire looks something like, So,Jaime who was concerned about the people instead,chose to kill his king but unfortunately he got the title as “ King Slayer ” from then onwards. Coming to Kattappa’s situation, what I can say is that he just did his duty(be it taking orders from Shivagami ) Have a great day everyone :) PS - If readers feel like my answer is incomplete,then upon request I will definitely

Positivity to the rescue

What is life cycle according to you??? According to me it is, birth-childhood-schooling-degree-achieving the goal-enjoying the life. But, people addicted to fast forward culture are willingly getting down from this life cycle by ending their life at some point. I guess you understand what I said. Yes, what you thought was right. It is by Committing Suicides. Now a days, you cannot see a newspaper without a suicide news. Even you faced a situation where one of your friends committed suicides for very small reasons. Most common reasons for committing suicides are..   1. Loosing Loved One.   2. Financial Crisis.   3. Lack of humanitarian Support.   4. Education etc. The four letter word LOVE is the most common reason for suicides. Many of the teenagers are losing their life just because of not accepting love, love breakups, relational affairs etc. People without   proper planning   and without   proper value education are leading to commit suicides. We the hope of fu


IS Mr.Donald trump the maddest bad player?                                                                                                               -Raghava NO, NOT COMPLETELY . Though the world has not understanding   he is righteously committed to the welfare of united states of America and the latest immigration system of America has been proving it. US    president Donald trump pushed for a merit based immigration system that could benefit high tech-professionals from countries like India. Trump, during his first address   to the congress, noted that “Nations around the world, like Canada, Australia and many other countries have a merit based immigration system”. He said that such a system will save countless dollars and raise workers wages.”Switching away from this current system of lower-skilled immigration,and instead adopting a merit based system” is the most wanted transformation that nation wants for its own development rather than looking for im

Game of Thrones Predictions

Game of Thrones(What the fans might expect in the upcoming season, i.e., S07) -Manoj Sandoori Traditionally the fantasy drama series(Numero Uno in terms of no. of viewers across the globe)- Game of Thrones(GoT) airs in the 2nd week of April.But in the series,"winter" has finally arrived during S06E10.So,for the filming of the show,the makers delayed their traditional schedule as S07 & S08 (last 2 seasons of the show) are mainly focusing  on "The Wall" and the North in particular.        Here are the main *spoilers* for all the fans out there : 1)  The Wall will be broken by the White walkers and his army. 2)   Before the above event,Daenerys(The stormborn,Mother of the Dragons,Breaker of the Chains,the Khaleesi,Mhyssa etc etc)-                will arrive at the Westeros and immediately wage a war on King's Landing to take what's hers'-The Iron Throne        The Lannister army will be doomed even though they have the "Mo


OLDEST HUMAN ANCESTOR IS A SEA-CREATURE -Raghava 540-million years old bag like sea creature has found in central China. The research on the creature is bagged with the interesting facts the most likely to know is that it is the “pre-historic ancestor of the human”.             The researchers has identified that the creature(saccorhytus) has its own family called saccorhytidea   belongs to its own genus and species(saccorhytus craonaries),named for its sac like body and large mouth is like deuterostome (a group of vertebrates including humans and some invertebrates like star fish).The research has astonishing everyone that humans are actually related to a creepy ballon-like sea creature called “saccorhytus”. T he creature before dinosaurs is making researches to believe that this is the common ancestor for many species of the past and present. The another interesting fact is that the creature is with no anus(the lower part of the alimentary canal) , long mouth and millime


Young Entrepreneur - A Pragnya THE YOUNG GENIUS Suhas Gopinath   (born November 4, 1986 in (Bangalore) is an   Indian   entrepreneur. He is the founder,   CEO and   Chairman   of Globals Inc., an IT multinational company. He took charge as CEO at the age of 17, three years after founding the company, and at the time, was named world's youngest CEO. Gopinath was born in   Bangalore   in the Indian state of   Karnataka   to his father, a defence scientist and mother, a housewife.   He taught himself to make websites with the help of books and made his one as, , at the age of 14, and incorporated his company Globals Inc., the same year in 2000.   He became CEO of his multinational company at the age of 17. Gopinath heads a multi million dollar company having presence in US and several European companies. Explaining one of the reasons for his success, he said, "Most software companies in India concentrate on English-speaking companies. I


Reading into the poll verdict of the recently concluded 5 State elections   (Uttar Pradesh[UP], Punjab, Uttarakhand[UK],  Manipur and Goa)                                                                                                                                 -Manoj Sandoori                                           UTTAR PRADESH In the fiercely contested UP elections,there's one Man due to which the Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) came back to power there after 14 years.He is none other than the present Prime Minister of our country,Mr.Narendra  Damodardas Modi.   It is due to his continuous campaigns before the elections in that state and the mass image he garnered for himself among the general public which won BJP 312 of a total of 403 seats. If the seats of the BJP allies were also to be considered,then they have 325 seats.                 What this result means is that -   BJP has the biggest state in the country,UP in its control.So,subs